drop foreign key constraint and recreate
drop foreign key constraint and recreate

PostgreSQL - CONSTRAINTS - Learn PostgreSQL from basic to advanced covering database FOREIGN Key Constrains data based on columns in other tables. CHECK . ALTER TABLE table name DROP CONSTRAINT some name   This command provides the SQL necessary to recreate the table. The create statement will also include the names of the referential and primary key constraints. Is there any way I can disable all the Constraint temporarily and load the The below script can be used to drop and recreate the Foreign Key  Note that the order is important - we must drop FOREIGN KEYs before we drop PRIMARY KEYs and UNIQUE constraints, since they depend on  Well, you can t add a bit field without recreating the table. Faced with this sort of situation (a database with over 120 foreign keys) and needing to modify a few tables I EXEC ( ALTER TABLE ftable DROP CONSTRAINT fkey). Related Need proc which can disable foreignkey constraint then execute all the drops followed by your code and then recreate the constraints using the 

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